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Join us in our new series to kick off the new year where we'll talk all about how to practically live out our faith! Life can come at you fast and if you're not prepared it might just trip you up, this series is perfect for gearing up for all that everyday life brings so you won't want to miss it!



It's Christmas time! Join us as we talk all about the peace, hope, joy, and love involved with the celebration of the birth of our Savior! Let's get back to what Christmas is all about, and walk through the story of Jesus's birth as we prepare for this holiday season.



Nehemiah is a normal guy who has a passion to see the walls of Jerusalem rebuilt, after he hears the city is in shambles. Nehemiah spends his time rallying God’s people to fight for their families, their sons and your daughters, their wives and their homes. They do this through the hard work of rebuilding the physical walls and also by returning to spiritually renewing habits. In this series, we want to challenge Crossroads to honor God in serving with our hands and returning it to the same habits that Nehemiah brought back to the people of God.



God is relational & designed us for connection in singleness, marriage, family, and friendship. No matter the relationship, we need connection. During this series we will look at the connection we have in each of these relationships, the things that challenge those connections, and the purpose of God in all of them!



Every person has undergone experiences that propel them further down a road towards hopelessness. As believers, we must follow Scripture's example of lamenting what has happened while grabbing onto the hope of Jesus in every situation.



Sincerity only matters if what you sincerely believe is actually true. You can sincerely believe that your gas tank is not empty, but you still might end up stranded on the side of the road. The people on the Titanic sincerely believed that they were sailing the seas on an unsinkable ship, but now we reflect on this great tragedy. So often, we try to move the immovable truth to align with ourselves. This summer, we will study core doctrines of Scripture with an aim of humbling ourselves and aligning our hearts and minds with God’s unchanging truth.



It’s easy to get distracted in life because everything is competing for your attention. For the most part, these seem like harmless distractions…but what if some of our distractions are serious? Join us for our Fatal Distractions series where we expose some of the Fatal Distractions that the Bible teaches are killing your ministry, killing your joy, killing your witness, and even killing you!



Whether we like it or not, money is a subject that affects every one of us. Jesus teaches that we must recognize that we are not the owners of anything, just temporary managers. Let’s dive into the Word of God and study the biblical steps to finding financial contentment and managing money in a way that honors God.



This year during our Good Friday services, we took intentional time to reflect on Jesus Christ’s death on the cross. As we reflected on Christ’s sacrifice, we listened to spoken word from the perspective of the woman at the well, John, a servant girl, and Joseph of Arimathea. Then, on Easter, we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ and studied the role Joseph of Arimathea played in Jesus’ burial. Then, we heard powerful testimonies of “God in my grave.”



Jesus has called us to live as His disciples who are devoted to learning His ways. This means that living as disciples of Christ should affect every area of our lives! In the book of Colossians, Paul contends that being disciples of Jesus Christ means surrendering every part of our lives. Let’s dive into Colossians and study how we can live as Everyday Disciples of Christ.







The idea of a rally cry indicates people coming together and passionately proclaiming that they will fight for a shared cause. A rally cry involves a sense of desperation. A rally cry requires core values. These are the things we are fighting for, proclaiming, and the hills that we will die on no matter what comes. Church, it’s time for a rally cry!



700 years before the birth of our Savior, the prophet Isaiah spoke of a son that would be given. In this prophecy, Isaiah declares, "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." (Isaiah 9:6). These names tell us about the character and work of Jesus Christ. This message of hope brought light and life to the darkness 2,700 years ago, and it continues to bring light and life in the midst of the darkness today.



Jonah is a story about a Jewish prophet that allows his bitterness against sinners to get in the way of experiencing the joy of seeing the lost surrender to the Lord. We too were once lost. When we look down on the sinners around us as less than, we are missing the truth of the very Gospel that saved us. Praise the Lord that we serve a God who desires for all to come to repentance! When God calls us out of our comfort zones and we are tempted to run in the other direction, we must remember the story of Jonah. As we study Jonah, let us recognize what it means to follow Jesus, do what the Lord is calling us to do, and preach the Gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ.



Fresh out of the wilderness and temptation, Jesus walks into the temple, opens the Bible, and reads that a hero is coming to set people free from the enemy. Then He walks out and starts to do it! This section of the gospel of Luke is all about Jesus pushing back darkness as he proclaims the good news of the Kingdom of God. It’s a Kingdom unlike any other, and, one we want to be a part of. Today, we still get to be part of this Kingdom, and we can anchor our story to the hope that we have in it!



Often, struggles hold us captive that we never saw coming…or didn’t want to see. The enemy is always fighting to keep us bound in chains of sin that hold us back from walking in the light and life of Jesus Christ. God is the God of breakthroughs. Romans 6:14 says “For sin will not rule over you, because you are not under the law but under grace.” Through God and the power of the Holy Spirit, we have the power to shatter the chains that hold us in bondage, breach a hole in the wall of the enemy, and experience breakthrough in Christ Jesus our victorious Savior.


TOP 10

The Ten Commandments teach us that rules enable relationships. God gave us these Ten Commandments to strengthen our faith; give us a life-giving relationship with Him and others; and to make us realize that, because we will always fall short of the law, we desperately need a relationship with Jesus Christ. For believers, obedience to these commands is a key part of the sanctification process.





Relationships are about glorifying God! Our relationships are the primary way in which we have the opportunity to preach the Gospel. This is why our mission statement as a church is to build the Kingdom of God one relationship at a time. Join us as we study how to glorify God through the various types of relationships in our lives.





Here at Crossroads we know that each seat in our worship center represents a story of God’s pursuit. Each person has a story. This week we will hear from some of our members as they share God’s story in their lives.



God has equipped us with everything we need to navigate the good and the bad. The book of Ephesians is made of two halves. The first half is the understanding of the work of our mighty God. The second half is the understanding of how we can live in light of this. So, whatever life throws our way and whatever battles we face…we’ll be ready!





Entrustment means God has put something into our care and protection. One of the great mysteries of the Christian life is that God has entrusted his mission to a group of broken people. This mission is to share the love and message of Christ. God has given us our home, gifts, money, and time to use for the purpose of glorifying Him and fulfilling this mission. We must decide how we are going to use what God has entrusted to us.



Decide is our thematic goal as a church for 2023. Oftentimes, we miss out on what God wants to show us because we are wrestling with indecision or simply choosing the wrong things. Make 2023 the year that you decide to do what the Lord has called you to do.



Join us for a special New Year’s Day service as we recap The Big Give and praise God for what He has done this Christmas season!



There are two parts to any gift - what was given and why it was given. So what about the gift of Jesus? We know the Christmas story of the greatest gift ever given, but the Bible is full of references explaining why the gift was given. Let’s take a look at why Jesus was given to us.



Today, we’re used to hearing phrases like, “You broke my heart,” “You hold the key to my heart,” or “Follow your heart.” What do these phrases actually mean? The book of Proverbs refers to the heart 79 times in wisdom-filled teaching. Let’s study this wisdom about our hearts.



The Bible is full of information, history, prophecy, letters and so much more. But when the Bible comes alive in our lives is when we live it out. The Book of James is all about that! James, the brother of Jesus, writes with urgency that we should not just be hearers of the word, but doers. The word of God should actually transform who we are and how we live.





Many of us put on a mask when we head to work or school. We put on a mask when we hang out with our friends or family. We even put on a mask when we go to church. In this series we will discuss the practical ways that we as believers can live holistically Christian lives. We will discuss the habits of the private you, the public you, and the churchy you.



Join us this summer as we take a look at some of the most famous Bible stories and characters. These stories have been told for generation after generation. We continue to tell them because we believe that the Word of God is living and active! God is still writing stories today. He is always at work.



We all deal with money! Let’s take a look at what Scripture tells us about money and how we can honor God with our stewardship.



What are you known for? In this series we want everyone to be known for sharing Jesus! We will see what it looks like to share Jesus in how you live, in Gospel conversations, and through your story!



Join us for Good Friday & Easter services as we reflect, in gratitude, on the death of Jesus and rejoice in His resurrection!



At times, in the book of Ruth, it seems as if there is barely a glimmer of hope. But, God is clearly at work on every page of the story. Sometimes, that’s how our lives feel too. But God is always working! Even through the hardest of times, God is moving us from ruin to redemption.



We live in a world where our pace often exceeds our limits. It is easy to get drained, exhausted, spent, and burned out. We don’t have to live this way. We can understand our limitations and find blessings in them.





Revelation starts with some very practical instruction for how to keep the church & our church on the right path. During this series, we will dig into this letter from Jesus to 7 churches.



If the Bible is a mountain range of theology, the book of Romans is Mount Everest. In this series, we are comforted that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ. Our Sufferings are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is going to be revealed. Nothing can separate us from our savior. We Couldn't | He Did | We Can